
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year is back!

February 29th, 2012. What do you expect?
Happy Leap Year readers. It’s Wednesday evening, Feb 29 right here in my room, and I am in the mood for nothing. I get so busy in the moment of “being” until I forget to think what actually the date today. Leap Year; when I was a boy, leap year was “nothing” for me. How come this date comes around once every 4 years, right? As the birthday of one of my friends fell on February 29, and we were in the same year, she always claimed that her birthdays comes once after four years and got jealous of my birthday. How pity she was when she celebrated her birthday on the inexact date. Yes, I have to admit, that was absolutely confused and amazed my young mind and didn’t understand what leap year was all about and pretty sure, she is so special for having the date of birthday.
Leap year occurs every 4 years and I definitely think that everyone needs to create a leap list every year. In 2012, I am taking leap to go beyond “good enough”, acing in my studies and trying to step out of my comfort zone, and pushing what I have achieved to the next level, especially my career.
And I want that for you too! Make some leaps this year and be sure, reach all your goals.

I think leap years are cool, so how are you going to make it one to remember? Leave all your fuzziness and do something out of the ordinary if you have the chance.
As for me, I’m spending the day at college, meetings, assignments and packing in my necessary clothes as I will be going to Kota Kinabalu tomorrow for a course. How rubbish?!

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